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Friday 4 March 2011

Painting Eldar War Walker

The Eldar War Walker is a two legged scout vehicle piloted by an Eldar Warrior, The war walker has very weak armour and is easily destroyed however due to it's speed and weapons capabilities it is an excellent scout vehicle and can be equipped with a plethora of Eldar weapons each one unique.

1. We Will begin by undercoating the War Walker with Chaos black, as with the guardians we are going to apply the Craftworld Ulthé colours to this vehicle which consist of Chaos Black, Bleached Bone and Blood Red.

2. Once the Chaos Black undercoat has dried we will begin by drybrushing the edges of the vehicle with Fortress Grey to add a highlighting effect to the armour.

3. Once we have successfully drybrushed the black parts of the vehicle we will begin to paint some area's with Bleached Bone these are the feet and the weapons of the vechile.

4. Once the Bleached Bone areas have dried we will give them a wash of Ogryn Flesh to add an effect of shadow.

5. Finally we will finish the model by painting the small but numerous gemstones to add a finishing touch for these we will use the same scheme that we used for the guardians warriors which involved a blend going from Chaos black > Scab red > Blood red > Blazing Organge.

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