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Friday 18 March 2011


This week I will be giving a brief analysis of anther race from the game Warhammer 40,000 and this race is the Orks.

The Orks are a very large and muscular alien creatures with green skin however they are not a very intelligent race. The Orks and indeed very primitive and are controlled by thousands of small tribes, they thrive on violence and war and love nothing more than a good fight, Orks have no other objective than to get geared up and start fighting anyone they can find.

The orks have a passion for looting vehicles, weapons and armour from other armies and will often be clad in armour stolen from many other armies as well as modified vehicles they have stolen from past battles. The Orks are dominated by the biggest Ork of the tribe usually known as the warboss directly below the Warboss is the "Nobz" these are the second largest Orks and take the form of commanders withing units, The smallest Orks are the most numerous and are known as the "Da Boyz"

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