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Friday 18 February 2011

Painting Eldar Howling Banshee's

Howling Banshee's are specialized Eldar Aspect Warriors. Howling Banshee's excel at melee combat and are armed with mirror swords and witch blades. The Banshee's are most notable for their superior speed and acrobatics during battle are one of the most deadly melee combatants.

In this tutorial I will go through a step by step guide on how to paint the Howling Banshee's and provide pictures of the finished model.

1. As always we begin by undercoating our models completely in Chaos Black as this helps the other paints lie n the model and stops blotching.

2. Now that our models are undercoated we will apply a layer of bleached bone all over the armour plates this may take a few coats as we are applying a very light colour over black.

3. Once the paint has been properly applied we will now add a wash to the armour using Ogryn Flesh as this will run into the recesses in the armour adding a shadow effect to the armour.

4. Now that we have applied the wash we must paint back over the raised plates of armour with Bleached Bone however be very careful not to paint over the ogryn flesh in the recesses.

5. Now that we have finished the armour we will move onto the hair and tabard firstly we will add a layer of Dark Angels Green to the tabard and a layer of Scab Red to the hair.

6. Once the tabard has dried we will drybrush the raised areas with scorpion green as this adds a highlighting effect to the tabard.

7. Now that we have finished the tabard we will move onto the hair we will start by adding a was of Blood Red Ink all over the hair and once this has dried we will add a highlighting effect to the raised area's by drybrushing with Blazing Orange.

8. Finally we will finish the model by adding some finishing details, firstly we will paint the eyes red before moving onto the mouth grill. We will drybrush the grill with Fortress Grey, once the eyes have dried we will add a tiny dot of Skull White to add an effect of light reflection.

9. Finally the last step is painting the sword we will begin by drybrushing the hilt of the sword with Fortress Grey and finish the model by painting the blade with Mithril Silver.

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