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Friday 25 February 2011

Painting Eldar Striking Scorpions

The Striking Scorpions are the masters of stealth and have chosen and mastered the Aspect path of the scorpion. The Scorpions are armed with Chainswords and shuriken pistols and are masters of both melee and ranged combat however their real skill lies in their abilities to conceal themselves. Scorpions strike swift and deadly from the shadows and disappear before enemies can strike back.

In this guide I will show you a step by step tutorial on how to paint Striking Scorpions.

1. As always we will begin by undercoating the models in Chaos Black.

2. We will now paint the armour with Dark Angels Green whilst leaving the face, hair and weapon chaos black.

3. After the armour has dried we will now drybrush the edges of the armour with Scorpion green to add a highlighted effect to the armour plates.

4. Certain raised parts of the armour such as at the feet, hands and shoulders we will highlight with Badmoon Yellow.

5. After the highlights have dried we will was the armour with Dark Angels Green to add a shadow effect to the recesses of the armour.

6. After we have finished the armour we will move onto the hair we will begin at the bottom of the hair we will drybrush the first section with Dwarf Bronze, before moving up to the next section which we will drybrush Badmoon Yellow, The top section of the hair will be left black and drybrushed with Fortress Grey.

7. Now we will highlight the faceplate with Fortress Grey and leave the recesses Chaos Black, The eyes we will paint Warlock Purple and add a tiny white dot.

8. Now we will paint the relics on the armour with Dwarf Bronze and the spikes of the Chainsword with Mithril Silver.

9. To add some extra detail we will carefully paint some diagonal yellow strips on the Chainsword.

Friday 18 February 2011

Painting Eldar Howling Banshee's

Howling Banshee's are specialized Eldar Aspect Warriors. Howling Banshee's excel at melee combat and are armed with mirror swords and witch blades. The Banshee's are most notable for their superior speed and acrobatics during battle are one of the most deadly melee combatants.

In this tutorial I will go through a step by step guide on how to paint the Howling Banshee's and provide pictures of the finished model.

1. As always we begin by undercoating our models completely in Chaos Black as this helps the other paints lie n the model and stops blotching.

2. Now that our models are undercoated we will apply a layer of bleached bone all over the armour plates this may take a few coats as we are applying a very light colour over black.

3. Once the paint has been properly applied we will now add a wash to the armour using Ogryn Flesh as this will run into the recesses in the armour adding a shadow effect to the armour.

4. Now that we have applied the wash we must paint back over the raised plates of armour with Bleached Bone however be very careful not to paint over the ogryn flesh in the recesses.

5. Now that we have finished the armour we will move onto the hair and tabard firstly we will add a layer of Dark Angels Green to the tabard and a layer of Scab Red to the hair.

6. Once the tabard has dried we will drybrush the raised areas with scorpion green as this adds a highlighting effect to the tabard.

7. Now that we have finished the tabard we will move onto the hair we will start by adding a was of Blood Red Ink all over the hair and once this has dried we will add a highlighting effect to the raised area's by drybrushing with Blazing Orange.

8. Finally we will finish the model by adding some finishing details, firstly we will paint the eyes red before moving onto the mouth grill. We will drybrush the grill with Fortress Grey, once the eyes have dried we will add a tiny dot of Skull White to add an effect of light reflection.

9. Finally the last step is painting the sword we will begin by drybrushing the hilt of the sword with Fortress Grey and finish the model by painting the blade with Mithril Silver.

Friday 11 February 2011

Painting Eldar Guardians

Now that I had assembled my Guardian squad it was time to paint them, painting Warhammer models is one of the most rewarding parts of the hobby and many only collect models for the sole purpose of painting rather than using them to play games in tournaments.

I had decided that I was use the Craftworld Ulthwé colour scheme which is a bold contrast of Dark black, Grey, Red and Bleached bone. Blow I will list then steps I undertook in order to fully paint my Guardians.

1. First paint the whole model with a thin layers of Chaos black this will act as an undercoat and will help the other paints set on the model.

2. Secondly dip your brush in some Fortress Grey and then dry it off with some tissue paper so that there is only a very small amount of paint on the brush and this will allow us to use a drybrushing effect on the armour.

3. Drybrush the armour with Fortress Grey by lightly running your brush over the edges of the armour.

4. Now paint the helm and the shuriken catapult  of the warrior with bleached bone.

5.  Now check to make sure that the areas we painted with bleached bone have dried if so saturated your brush in ogryn flesh wash and paint over the bleached bone this will seep into the crevices on these area's giving a shadow effect.

6. Now to add some finshing touches firstly the eyes use a very small brush to paint the eyes red, after the red has dried very carefully add a small white dot to the inner eye in order to give a reflection effect.

7. Gemstones: Now the model is almost finished however there are very many gemstones all over the armour when painted properly these stones can make any model look stunning. We will start by paintign each stone Chaos Black, Then we will paint 3/4 of the stone Red Gore leaving the top left corner chaos black, we will now paint the 1/2 of the red gore with blood red leaving us with 1/4 chaos black, 1/4 Red Gore and 1/2 Blood red and now we will finish this by painting 1/2 of the blood red with blazing orange and finally by very carefully making a small white dot in the Chaos Black area to create an effect of light reflection.

Friday 4 February 2011

Assembling Eldar Guardians

The Eldar guardians are the core troop of any army, they are the militia of the Eldar craftworlds, Guardians unlike other Eldar aspect warriors do not specialise in any particular path of warfare and are only called to fight when a Craftworld is on it's last lines of defence. Guardian warriors are armed with Shuriken catapults which fire very fast trail of razor sharp discs tearing through the strongest armour.

I decided that I would assemble my guardians firstly because they were the largest full squadron in the boxed set, secondly I have never owned these units before and thirdly they seemed a lot less complex to build than the vehicles which looked daunting whilst in their sprues.

Each guardian is split up into 5 pieces The head, The torso, The legs, Left arm and Right arm with a total of 10 guardians and 1 weapons platform making up the squad. Assembling the guardians was very simple first I cut each all 10 leg pieces of their sprues and glued them to their base i then removed the heads and torsos and glued these together before attaching the torso to the legs and leaving it to dry, once this had dried the only thing left to do was to glue each arm onto the torso and I was finally done assembling my guardian.

                                                       Eldar Guardians Craftworld Ulthwé