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Friday 5 November 2010

Manhunt Review

 Manhunt (PC) Review

I recently purchased this game for PC although the game is quite old and was released in 2003 it is an instant classic and never loses its touch. 
Manhunt is set in a run-down American town where well organised violent gangs are the law and anything goes. You play as the protagonist James Earl Cash a Death Row inmate who saved from execution and dumped in the run down City. We later learn that Cash was saved by a film producer known as Starkweather. We then find out that Startkweather has the entire city covered with video cameras and through an ear piece he will guide you through the various gang territories and keep you alive. As you battle through the city you encounter various gangs each with their own distinctive appearance and rules. In order to survive you must brutally execute any gangs that stand in your way using items that you find such as a plastic back or a shard of glass from a broken window.
Manhunt is based on stealth and suspense the game will have you at the edge or your seat as you infiltrate Carcer city and it's gangs in order to save yourself from being butchered. The concept of the game makes players think very carefully about how they proceed and attack enemies in order to create the least amount of suspicion. In order to kill an enemy players must sneak behind the gang member and hold their position for a few second with each second that passes a counter changes colour representing the brutality of the execution these are Green - Least brutal, Yellow - Medium, Red - Most brutal. Manhunt indeed contains explicit scenes of violence and gore and is most definitely not suitable for players under 18 hence it's mature rating and game has caused much controversy over the years and is even banned in New Zealand.
Overall I would rate the game 4 stars it has a brilliant plot which thickens as you progress through the levels, also the game has a great amount of gameplay with bonus features added so that players can continue to unlock secrets after completing the main campaign.  However I feel the game could have been improved by adding a multiplayer option and perhaps having an online co-operative campaign.

Overall the game is an all-round brilliant game and will have you gripping your mouse in suspense.