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Sunday 10 October 2010


Well, started University and settling in just fine. Really enjoying working with robots.
My girlfriend has moved over from Wales, so I have been helping her find a suitable flat and get settled, as I'm sure this is quite a big change for her. Insert some comical line about sheep here if you want to, but I won’t, see as she isn’t actually Welsh.
The flat she is moving into is actually really nice, and it has a bath, which she is quite happy about.
She can’t have pets in the flat but we are going to get a pet tarantula, a Mexican red knee to be exact. I can help her look after it because I had one a while back called Bill.
All in all , so far her being in Northern Ireland has made me very happy and I can’t wait to show her around all the places I go to and I’m so glad that I’m the one experiencing this with her.